Welcome to our careers page
Your Hasmonean Careers Coordinator is Ms E McDonald-Dick.
The careers advisor is: Ms Canoville
Appointments to discuss your careers can be made at the following email address:
Ms Canoville (
At Hasmonean, we aim to provide careers support which will inform students’ choices at each Key Stage. Our programme provides a wide insight for the lower key stages into the careers and vocations available, followed by information of job opportunities that match student’s interests and subject choices in Key Stage 4 and finally, we provide students with the support they need to get into university and post-18 pathways in employment or Apprenticeship. Almost all of our students go to university and out of them, the vast majority enrol to Russell Group universities. Students are guided through the entire UCAS process, beginning in Year 12 and leading up to their submission.
Our careers provision is supported with unbiased careers advice and supplemented with personalised interviews that track student career aspirations through Year 10 and 12. We also offer online-resources and testing that gives students recommendations on what careers match their personality and attainment profiles. Whilst many sixth formers apply to university whilst still in school, there are a number who do not apply until they are in Sem or Yeshiva; the support does not end just because a student has left the school. All alumni are provided with personal statement and UCAS support and this ranges from meetings and e-mails to telephone conversations and Skype calls.
The careers department signs up to a number of computer-support programmes including, iCould, Morrisby Testing and Unifrog, which are innovative search tools that allows students to find out more about careers choices, university courses and universities across the country. We also audit student’s subject choices and career intentions and map these continuously through a students’ school journey.
For sixth form, Hasmonean also has links with a variety of universities, such as King’s College, London School of Economics, UCL and the University of Cambridge and we visit the latter each summer so students can get a feel of the historic university and make a judgement as to whether it’s right for them. Every student is supported through the process, no matter where and when they wish to apply and individualised support is provided based on the needs of each student.
In Year 7, pupils encounter careers in a fun and experiential way. They research the careers choices that are available and pupils understand at a basic level what subject choices may lead to certain job areas. Pupils encounter careers through a careers investigation on Unifrog in Computing lessons.
Hasmonean Subject Careers Audit 2021-22
A-Levels for University Degrees 2022 Entry
Provider Access Policy and Technical Education and Apprenticeships
Dates and Timeline Careers Provision Hasmonean
Hasmonean Careers Year Group Activities and Action
Careers Education Hasmonean High School Statement
Compass Tracker based on 2021 Careers Plan
Get My First Job Guide to the Future
Statutory Information Hasmonean Careers Programme
UNIFROG Finding the best universities and apprenticeships
Representing 24 leading UK universities
Taster and Open Day at London Universities
Apprenticeship search tool
Careers guidance platform for schools and colleges
Advice and guidance on apprenticeships and options for when you leave school
Advice and guidance about careers in medicine
For internships in various fields (at a cost)
Jump mentoring programme and guest speakers
Opportunities for apprenticeships across London
Courses and events on various degrees and careers
(at a cost)
Careers guidance
Careers guidance
STEM Jobs Now and in the Future
Hasmonean Careers Year Group Activities and Actions 2019-20
Careers involving Art
Careers involving Biology
Careers involving Chemistry
Careers involving Economics
Careers involving English
Careers involving French
Careers involving Geography
Careers involving Government & Politics
Careers involving Health & Social Care
Careers involving History
Careers involving Mathematics
Careers involving Modern Hebrew
Careers involving Physical Education
Careers involving Physics
Careers involving Psychology
Careers involving Spanish
Careers involving Textiles
The Careers Convention is a biennial event run to give Hasmonean pupils access to employers from a wide range of industries. Up to 40 different businesses from 15 sectors including finance, engineering. Law, hospitality, politics, charities and retail are invited to attend the two-hour evening sessions and pupils have the opportunity to interview employers about qualifications to access the industry and careers progression. Pupils from Ys 10 to 13 are invited to the event with blue chips companies such as Google and Barclays Bank attending. Interviews are conducted in a carousel-style system where parents and pupils can ask employers questions. The event also provides an excellent opportunity for business to network.
The HE and FE evening is run in conjunction with the Yashar programme with Hasmonean Alumni. Pupils are invited to an evening session where they can discuss FE and HE courses with universities and colleges. Most of the main universities will attend with admissions tutors and course directors to explain the courses and university admission procedures to pupils mainly from Yr 11 and the 6th Form. The evening invites universities including Imperial, LSE, Middlesex and City. Students benefit by interacting with universities to explore life on campus and understand how their GCSE and A-Level course match prospective degrees.
The pupils in Year 10 and 12 are entitled to a statutory period of work experience. This usually involves them applying to local employers to find employment that meets their future career intentions. Pupils are offered a database of previous employer hosts but overwhelmingly find their own placements and submit CVs and attend interviews to support their application. The placements can be taken abroad and pupils have worked historically with diverse employers including Marvel Comics and 10 Downing Street.
The Apprenticeship programme is a work-based training programme. It provides the learner with practical skills through on-the-job training combined with theoretical knowledge through off-the-job learning. This is seen as an alternative to academic full-time university-based study. In taking this route, apprentices will be employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification, usually for one day a week either at a college or a training centre. Apprentices in every role follow an approved study programme, which means they gain a nationally-recognised qualification at the end of the programme – the apprenticeship route covers a range of employment areas from accounting to car engineering.
A_to_Z_of_Apprenticeships 2022
Apprenticeships Parent Pack June 2022
Apprenticeships Degrees 6th Form Guide
A-Z of Apprenticeships Apprenticeship Guide 2019-20
Links to apprenticeship programmes:
This is a range of key data available to parents and pupils highlighting local and national employment trends such as the levels of employment, job programmes, statistics on school leaver employment rates and the key local employers in a regions. This helps pupils and their parents make informed choices about careers that may be open to them in a region and the work-based opportunities in the Barnet Borough. This information is supported by unbiased Government statistics and is updated regularly to reflect changing labour market trends.
Labour Market Infromation Spring 2022
Pupils are entitled to an interview with an unbiased careers interviewer who will discuss their subject choices, employment preferences and suggest recommendations in terms of higher education choices such as Apprenticeships, University or employment choices. Pupil’s interviews are logged on the careers information system and can be referred back to at a later date to track their changing career aspirations. As a part of their entitlement, pupils may seek further careers advice from a qualified careers advisor.